Samara State Research University - SSAU

1-era in the region
City: Samara
Residence: $ 40 USD per month
High School: $ 970 USD per semester
The Samara National Research University (Samara University) was founded in 1942 as the Kuibyishev Aviation Institute (KuAI) with the aim of training engineers for the aeronautical industry. In 1967 the KuAI was given the name of Academician SP Korolev and in 1992, on its 50th birthday, the Institute was renamed Samara SP Korolev State Aerospace University (SGAU). In 2015, Samara State University joined the SGAU. In 2016, the university was renamed into the autonomous state federal educational institution of higher education "Samara SP Korolev National Research University".
The University of Samara conducts the training of professionals for various industries such as space rocketry, aeronautics, radioelectronics, metallurgy, automotive, telecommunications and information, and other branches on a full-time, night-time and remote basis. There are 300 educational programs. Upon completion of university studies, the University grants State Diplomas of Titled Specialist, Bachelor of Science / Arts and Master's Degree.
For full-time students with military service obligation, they are granted a deferral of service as well as the opportunity to take a course in the military department within the reserve officer training program.
The University is made up of:
- The Institutes: Institute of Aviation Equipment; Institute of Engines and Propulsion Engines; Institute of Rocket and Space Engineering; Institute of Economics and Management; Institute of Informatics, Mathematics and Electronics; Social and humanitarian institute; Institute of natural sciences; Institute of Additional Education;
- The Faculties: Faculty of Electronics and Instrumentation; Faculty of Informatics; Faculty of Mathematics; Faculty of Distance Education; Faculty of Chemistry; Faculty of Physics; Faculty of Biologicals; Faculty of History; Faculty of Philology and Journalism; Faculty of Sociology; Faculty of Psychology; Law School; Faculty of basic training and fundamental sciences; Faculty of pre-university training;
- 97 departments;
- The Technical Scientific Library of more than 2 million books and electronic resources;
- The Institutes of Scientific Research: acoustics of machines; aviation constructions; manufacture of space instruments; space engineering; technologies and quality problems; innovation technologies in production; System design; information systems;
- Technical School of Aviation;
- 49 laboratories and scientific and research centers;
- An aerodrome with sample air units;
- Botanical Garden;
- The ND Kuznetsov Center for the History of Aircraft Engines (TSIAD), which is an educational and scientific-technical center, which is part of the All-Russian Museum Register. Here the largest collection of gas turbine engines in the world is brought together, there is a bank of applied engineering experience in the industry of the construction of gas turbine engines for aviation;
- An interuniversity Media center with the Super Computing Center;
- Center to receive and process spatial information;
- The Museum of Aviation and Cosmonautics;
- CAM Center;
- Sports and recreation complexes;
- University residences and a hotel.
About 16,800 students from Russia, CIS countries, Western Europe, South America, China, Southeast Asia and Africa study at Samara University. Professionals are trained in 300 educational programs.
The University has 13 thesis councils for supporting doctoral and major doctoral theses.
The faculty of the University is made up of: 5 Academics and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, about 100 academics and corresponding members of public Academies of Sciences, 53 winners of State awards such as Lenin, State and other awards, 75 teachers have received state decorations, another 70 honorary titles of the Russian Federation, 1456 scientific and pedagogical workers, of them science teachers and professors - 273, science candidates and associate professors - 834.
The University has 57 bases for professional practices in the field in companies in the region and the country. Among the permanent partners of the University are the companies: SAA "Kuznetsov", SAA "Metalist Samara", GNP RKTs "TsSKB - Progress", SAA "Aviadvigatel", FGUP "NII Ecran", FGUP MMPP "Salut", SAA "Reid -Service ", the Airline" Volga-Dnepr "(Ulyanovsk), NPO" Saturn "(Rybinsk), SAA" Samara Metallurgical Plant "and others.
In 2009, the University became one of 14 Russian higher education institutions, which were awarded the category of "National Research University".
On March 15, 2014, at the meeting of the University Council on improving the competitiveness of the main Universities of the Russian Federation with respect to the main scientific-academic centers of the world, as a result of a successful support, the plan of action to implement the program to improve competitiveness ("Roadmap") of the Federal Academic Fiscal Entity for Higher Professional Education, budget Federal State Institution for Higher Professional Education "State Aerospace University of Samara SP Korolev (National Research University) "(SGAU) for the years 2013-2020.