According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Russia is the most educated country in the world, surpassing Canada, Japan, Israel and the United States in this indicator. Higher education is held by more than half of Russians.
This country is famous for its advances in science, discoveries, patents, innovations, nuclear power, and cutting-edge technology. All this thanks to its firm base of its infrastructure made up of 650 public universities, large federal universities, dozens of national and private research institutes, as well as technical and language schools.
The great benefits of education in Russia proven for centuries by foreigners is the consequence that every year more than 200,000 students from 168 countries of the world come to obtain competitive high-quality education at reasonable prices.
Geography, territory and climate:
Russia is located in eastern Europe and northern Asia. It shares its borders with 14 countries and has the longest extension in the world. Its territory is 17,098,246 sq. Km. The best time to visit Russia is from May to September. Temperatures can range from 21 degrees to 31 degrees during the day and from 10 degrees to 21 degrees at night. Be aware that spring and fall are two unpredictable seasons with gusts that reveal themselves in May and September, and consequent mud. Take waterproof shoes and a jacket with you. Time: There are 11 time zones in Russia.
The time difference varies from +2 hours in Kaliningrad to +12 hours in Kamchatka and Chukotka with respect to Greenwich time. The time in Moscow and Saint Petersburg is GMT +3 hours. Population and language: There are 143.5 million inhabitants in Russia (information from 2013), most of them are Russians (Slavs). In addition, there are more than 100 different nationalities and ethnic groups who live in Russia: Ukrainians, Tatars, Armenians, Azerbaijanians, Kazakhs, Hebrews and Germans. The official language is Russian. Currency: The currency is the ruble (RUR). Changing your money is not a problem in Russia. Almost all places and small towns have banks or currency exchange offices. That is not always the case, as in small Siberian towns and mountain villages, but if the city has more than 1000 inhabitants, the legal currency exchange will not be a problem.
About half of Russians are atheists. Most of the believers are Orthodox. Islam, Catholicism, Judaism, and Buddhism are also practiced.
Main cities and administrative division:
The Russian Federation has 21 republics, 6 territories, 49 regions, 1 autonomous region, 10 autonomous districts and 2 cities of federal subordination: Moscow and Saint Petersburg.
The capital of Russia is Moscow (about 10 million inhabitants). The big cities (over 1 million) are: Saint Petersburg (5 million), Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Ekaterinburg, Samara, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Kazan, Perm, Ufa, Rostov, and Volgograd.
Russia is indisputably the largest country in the world. There are many incredible sites to see in Russia: the largest river in Europe - Volga; the largest lake in the world - Caspian; which can be called the sea due to its size - the deepest and sweetest lake - Baikal; and the highest mountain - Elbrus.
The largest cities in Russia are Moscow and St. Petersburg. Moscow, capital of Russia since the Middle Ages, ceded its capital status to Saint Petersburg for 200 years (1712-1918). The development of Moscow was chaotic, and its streets have too much eclecticism. : Old mansions and temples often adjoin some Soviet-built “pompous” buildings and large modern buildings - some small huts. As for St. Petersburg, this city is developed according to the general plan decided by its founder, the Emperor "Peter the Great." Piero the Great. Its splendid streets, squares and dikes impress you with the wonderful harmony of their precise lines.
While most visitors make their visits to the 2 capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg - the country has much more to offer. Russia has ancient cities full of architectural ensembles and churches that give incredible and fantastic landscapes, quiet and picturesque cities are located on the banks of large rivers, with natural beauty - forests, lakes and mountains - to satisfy anyone looking for a break with the animation and agitation of life as a citizen.
There are 11 time zones in Russia. The time difference varies from +2 hours in Kaliningrad to +12 hours in Kamchatka and Chukotka with respect to Greenwich time. The time in Moscow and Saint Petersburg is GMT +3 hours.
Population and language:
There are 143.5 million inhabitants in Russia (2013 information), most of them are Russians (Slavs). In addition, there are more than 100 different nationalities and ethnic groups who live in Russia: Ukrainians, Tatars, Armenians, Azerbaijanians, Kazakhs, Hebrews and Germans. The official language is Russian.