Belgorod State Agrarian University

3-a in the region
City: Belgorod
Residence: $ 40 USD per month
Pre-college: $ 625 USD per semester
Creation story
The history of the university is inextricably linked to the development history of the Belgorod region and the country as a whole. In 1956, a regional agricultural experiment station was created, which became a scientific, methodological and organizational center for the promotion and implementation of scientific achievements and best practices in agricultural production in the region. In 1971, it was transformed into the TsCHZ Livestock Research and Development Institute.
In 1978, the Belgorod Agricultural Institute (educational and scientific center for agriculture) was established on the basis of the Livestock Institute and the branch of the Voronezh Agricultural Institute. Its outstanding characteristics predetermined the integration of educational and research processes, providing a qualitatively higher level of scientific and professional training.
In 1994, the institute received academy status, since 2002 - the Belgorod State Agricultural Academy, a federal state educational institution of higher professional education. Since May 2011, the university has been named after Vasily Yakovlevich Gorin.
According to the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated September 15, 2014 No. 357 "On the renaming of FSBEI HPE and its branches", the university received a new status and was renamed V. Already. Gorin Belgorod State Agrarian University Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution (FSBEI) IN Belgorod State Agrarian University).
University campus

Student residences

Monthly cost of living in BelGAU
Bedroom –40 USD
Food –200 USD
Transportation –15 USD
Internet, phone –10 USD
Total - 265 USD